viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

English pronuntiation

English pronuntiation can be difficult sometimes but you can improve it if you practise a lot like this police officer.

4 comentarios:

  1. jajaja..this video is very funny and I laughed a lot :)
    I am Alba G.

  2. Hahahahah yeah, Alba I`m agree with you,this video is very very funny .
    Carmen,this holiday I will begin to read the book.
    Very nice the blog,I like it.
    Irina :)

  3. I`m Nicolás 4ºA, and I`m agree with Irina and the other girl, "I would like to buy a "damburgesa" hahahaha. He was going to cry at the end of the video because he said "damburger" and the teacher was angry with he. I like it :D

  4. I watched the video and it is very funny.
    Almudena Sainz 4º ESO
